
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ayahuasca tourism makes the NYTimes.

Read a wealth of the ayahuasca/DMT/psychedelic literature... including the classic Mckenna stuff, Strassman on DMT, Pinchbeck's Breaking Open the Head. I'd do this in a heartbeat if the opportunity presented itself.

The best reason ever [simply] articulated imho was in Warren Ellis' [sadly yet to be completed] Doktor Sleepless - 
Q: "What do you think you're going to learn?"
A: "How to permanently change my mind.  Because the one I've got isn't big enough."

In Ecuador’s Rain Forest, Indigenous People and Inner Life -
"All appeared normal, until after what seemed like 20 minutes it no longer did. A montage of images emerged from the darkness — neon crystals, a lion. Soon my body dissolved into the surroundings, swallowed by a sea of energy. Unmoored and disoriented, I was adrift in a more expansive reality.

This brought a greater awareness, and I began to perceive things that had been imperceptible, like a low-frequency vibration permeating the environment. The hum of the universe? My thoughts drifted between visions. I imagined myself basking in the sun on the flanks of the volcano Chimborazo. I saw images from childhood and of random friends back home, all presented like scenes from the narrative of my life. Then my father appeared, seated in a chair before me, like a ghost. For several minutes we exchanged the sentiments that I had regretted not expressing before he died: What a life we shared, we both seemed to say. I looked down and noticed I was sobbing, and when I looked back up, he was gone."

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