
Thursday, July 15, 2010

This, all day. John Rogers, Leverage showrunner, on capitalism & corporations.

Worth the clickover/reading in full.

Kung Fu Monkey: Side Note: Writing, Corporate Bad Guys, and Worldview:
"...I like universal health care not for any moral reason but because it encourages job mobility, enterpreneurship, takes the burden off our manufacturing industries, and leads to cheaper health care costs. I like to spend money on education because it makes our workers competitive in the international market... I want solar power so people with thousand-year-old grudges in countries half a world away stop yanking us around. I want to cut defense spending so we can move it to border control and humint resources. I favor separation of church and state because, like Thomas Jefferson, I don't want people of faith to have other faiths shoved on them by the power of the government.

I'm a goddam 1972 Republican.

But, some people have a knee-jerk reaction and assume I'm generally anti-corporate or anti-rich people, and so the show is written that way. For this I have... responses, in ascending order of crankiness...

b.) The fact that you're having an emotionally defensive response for a corporation, or corporate culture in general, but not for the parallel personal example of say Criminal Minds or Law & Order: Super Rape Squad means that the century-long campaign of multinational billionaires to convince you they are both invaluable and oppressed has worked. Congratulations, you've been mind-hacked.

c.) Sorry we made you feel unsafe. That maybe, just maybe, some -- not all, but some -- of the people who you've been taught to trust are not very nice. The world's unsafe, sookie-baby. Grow up."

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