
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Damn, Tarantino was right - you really are an Elvis or a Beatles person.

I always thought the analysis was bullshit, but considering Japan's unabashed love - for folks of a certain age - of all things Beatles, I recently picked up The Beatles 1 and it was good. Damn good. But I followed it right up with a listen to Elvis 30 #1 Hits and OMG, holy jesus, yeah, that totally just resonates with me on a whole 'nother level. Makes me an Elvis person, clearly.

Due in no small part, I'm sure to Mom running Elvis on the 8-Track [fuck me, I'm old] almost every weekend. In hindsight, probably the best thing I took from... no, let's not go down that path tonight.

The cut scene from Pulp Fiction that lays it out:

And some Elvis breaking it the hell down.

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