
Monday, October 05, 2009


Training's just been kind of an abortion since summer vacation, clearly. Came back from the states, did about two weeks of P90X and had a triplex [triumvirate?] of injuries - lower back, wrist and neck. Crappy all around. The neck is a recurring flare up from a dojo injury from a couple years ago - tip to all you MMA folks, when shooting the double leg, don't land on your head - but the back and wrist were new and took pushing, bending and twisting movements out of play. Rested up [in other word ate too much crap and drank too much alcohol] till mid-Sept and then did various workouts I was too lazy to post up online for about a week and half until... I didn't. And then the last week and a half I've haven't done anything. Because I suck.

Anyways, back at it.

AM - 5 Tibetans, 3 reps
PM - 30m Rutten MMA wkout/boxing/2m rounds
Circuit - Hindu pushups, hindu squats, bridge, shoulder dislocates, pullups, chins, air squats, neck nods, handstands for time, wallsquats for time
Soft tissue work, Cressey mobility drills, back stretch
Atlas circuit - Atlas pushup, deep breathing, rope pulldown, pull apart, fist press, pressdown, chair press

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