
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reduced to using Internet Explorer - Firefox memory problems with Picasa Web Albums.

Happily using Firefox for years, having abandoned clunky and annoying Internet Explorer quite some time ago. Firefox can be a bit of a memory hog, but was well worth the tradeoff with customization, add-ons, speed, safety, layout, management, etc, etc.

Until today, that is. Trying to navigate my Picasa Web Albums in Firefox causes the Memory Usage [at least according to the Windows Task Manager] to shoot up over 600,000K/98% Physical Memory, invariably locking up and crashing the browser. Just started today, which is odd, considering I don't recall any new updates to either the browser or OS in the last couple days.

So I fired up Internet Explorer [7 still, as I never upgraded to 8] to post some pics on the blog. 7 didn't suck horribly, at least. At least it worked, which puts it ahead of Firefox right now.

I checked out Google Chrome, again, but while it's blindingly fast, it STILL can't sync up Chrome bookmarks with the online Google Bookmarks I use. Which is really, just freaking ridiculous. BOTH Google for godsakes.

If Firefox doesn't unscrew itself maybe I'll check out Opera. Or even IE8, because not being able to access my pics online is a non-starter.

Boo technology. Boo.

[Speaking of Firefox problems, it hasn't rendered my "Edit Layout" page on Blogger Dashboard right in a while now. I haven't really wanted to change, so it hasn't been an issue... maybe time to move on from Firefox altogether? Grrr...]

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