
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Katsuura Sports Festival, 2009.

Elementary/community Sports Day and Festival this past weekend at one of my schools. Great time.
From 2009-09-26

Oh yes. Yes, we can.
From 2009-09-26

From 2009-09-26

From 2009-09-26

I have this effect on children.
From 2009-09-26

The cuteness of the Japanese child can never be defeated.
From 2009-09-26

The Nuyama tug of war team goes 2-1, failing to reclaim championship form from 2 years ago. Not for lack of effort though.
From 2009-09-26

Traditional drums, flutes and lion dancing. It never fails to impress me how talented the kids are and how much work they put into things like this.
From 2009-09-26

You know you've been in Japan for a bit when you run into old students, long graduated... great kids.
From 2009-09-26

I fully participate!
From 2009-09-26

Always... So... Much... Running.
From 2009-09-26

Here you have an elementary school boy totally flirting with the college student volunteer helper. I've never been prouder.
From 2009-09-26

Some of next year's first graders.
From 2009-09-26

From 2009-09-26

From 2009-09-26

Wacky community spirit. You have to love Japan.
From 2009-09-26

Only one child was run over by the giant inflatable balls of death this year.
From 2009-09-26

My Katsuura family taking care of me for lunch.
From 2009-09-26

Physical stunts and synchronized dancing - the essence of Japan.
From 2009-09-26

From 2009-09-26

From 2009-09-26

Mountains from Katsuura... sigh.
From 2009-09-26


Katsuura Sports Festival, Japan 2009 from Rob Pugh on Vimeo.


  1. Cute!! Isn't that Yu hitting on the college student? Flirt... ;)
