
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"A Brief History of the Apocalypse."

This site is brilliant. Listing all sorts of foretold apocalypses [apocalypsi?] throughout history. As cool as the geek rapture/singularity or 2012 might be, it's all most likely nonsense.

Below are the first and last entries... Mind numbing [mostly religious] hilarity to be seen. Awesome.

A Brief History of the Apocalypse:
"ca. 2800 BC According to Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts (1979), an Assyrian clay tablet dating to approximately 2800 BC was unearthed bearing the words 'Our earth is degenerate in these latter days. There are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end. Bribery and corruption are common.' This is one of the earliest examples of the perception of moral decay in society being interpreted as a sign of the imminent end.


2040 * Pyramidologist Max Toth predicts the physical reincarnation of Jesus Christ occurring in 2040. Like other pyramidologists, he used the dimensions of the Great Pyramid's passageways to predict future events. (Weber p.195)
* John Smart of Singularity Watch estimates that a "technological singularity" will take place around the year 2040, when technological advancement reaches asymptotic levels. After this apocalyptic event, a new era of balance and compassion will begin.

ca. 4,500,000,000 AD The sun will swell into a red giant star, swallowing Mercury, Venus, Earth, and perhaps Mars. This will be the true end of the world!"

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