
Thursday, August 07, 2008

This is what that "Click here to subscribe" button on the right hand side is for - "RSS in Plain English."

RSS and feedreaders - I use Google Reader - have indeed changed the way I surf the net.

I now waste far too much time much more efficiently than before.

Though, seriously, the shift has actually changed the amount and way I process information. You know, in my brain meat. Whether that is actually a good thing or a bad thing, who knows? But it is a different thing, so that makes it interesting.

Great, short video for explaining the "how to do it."

*Update* Forgot to mention where I came across the vid - standard blogging etiquette, that. Came across the vid on another JET blog, where he talked about learning about RSS. Check out his tale of technological illumination here.


  1. I saw this exact video a few months back and immediately made the switch to RSS. Amusingly enough, I just posted about it (and included the clip too) yesterday. It's a weird mix of "OMG I'm saving so much time" and "Holy Shit, I just spent two hours reading all my subscriptions."

  2. Oh god, yeah, I totally saw it on your blog. Thought I name checked you when I threw it up, but clearly I did not. That's what happens when you blog and try to get out to lunch at the same time. My bad. Fixed.
