
Thursday, August 07, 2008

Thailand - Our last meal out - Vientiane Kitchen.

Vientiane Kitchen Review | Bangkok | Fodor's Restaurant Reviews:
"This open-air restaurant named after the capital of Laos is set under thatched roofs; there's table seating or you can opt for traditional seating on floor mats. Laotian cuisine is similar to the Thai food found in the country's northeastern province of Isan. Among the Thai-style standards like grilled chicken, sticky rice, and som tam (spicy papaya salad) are a few riskier dishes like Nam tok (waterfall) -- so called because it's so hot it makes your eyes run like a waterfall (however, it's actually toned down here, so don't think you can order it in Laos and still feel your tongue afterward). Other dishes like frog soup and grilled duck beak are actually quite good, despite the images they conjure up. It's best to go with a group so you can share several dishes. Live Laotian music and dance add to the experience."

Good place, good food. The curry was particularly excellent, I thought.

See that dish in the center?

That's the chili sauce that Sandy thought was a sweet and/or sour sauce.

Which led to trying to quench the fire in her mouth with this.

And this.

My deep fried chicken with salt. [Seriously, that's the name of the dish.] You can take the boy outta the south, but you apparently can't take the south outta the boy.

Chicken in coconut sauce.

Their most excellent curry.

The [lucky?] cats that were roaming about. Here's when they were neath the table.

[And Sandy's foot. You're welcome.]

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