
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

What happens? Who knows? Then you try to figure it out.

On Eating New Contexts for Breakfast and The Price of Radical Growth | The Growing Life | Alternative Productivity, Anti-Hacks for Living:
"...Following your own growth down the rabbit hole isn’t easy...

* What happens when you outgrow an old job and have no clue what’s next because you can barely keep your head above water with work?
* When happens when you love your spouse but know that irreparable growth (a positive thing) has pulled you apart?
* What happens when you’re half-way into a Ph.D. program and know the degree isn’t right for you?
* What happens when your growth path requires you to ostensibly change course every week or so?

I don’t know what’ll happen. And neither do you. And that’s some scary stuff.

...When I usually think of growth, I think of making more money, following my goals, and growing relationships. But sometimes. . .

* Growth can mean the end of marriages and relationships
* Growth can mean making far less money
* Growth can lead to existential crises, questioning everything, and depression
* Growth can make you come across as a quitter and a flake
* Growth can wrench your self esteem
* Growth can push your friends away and lead to (temporary) alienation"

Tips to deal at the link.

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