
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Brutal summertime in Japan.

I agree with Mike - Adventures in the Not-so-Orient: oh gods... - the heat is getting ridiculous.

Standing still in the classroom [no AC for students, builds character!], absolutely stock still, with sweat just rolling off. Back to the teacher's room for a brief respite, personal fan a flapping, sucking down some ice water... still sweating.

Couldn't believe it was only 31 degrees [that's 88 for us USA types] according to the internets, but after some clicking around and about the truth was revealed and it showed the heat index as 36/97 with 62% humidity. Which is about how it does feel, so I'm not going crazy. Were it only in the eighties, I might've offed myself now, as August is usually a bit worse.

On the bright side, since I only had morning classes today, during lunch, since I live close enough to home to head back for a few, I was able to snag a midday cold shower - thank gods - and slip on a pair of shorts for the remainder of the day [like a half dozen of the other teachers. Shoot, at least I don't go to classes that way.] Ah well, one more week till summer vacation/class break.

Sandy will be sad to know that my brief 1/8" growing out my hair flirtation is over - too damn hot. How you folks with full heads of hair simply don't burst into flames is beyond me. I'ma stick with the smooth, perspiration reducing shaven pate until further notice.

[It's been 8 years I've been shaving my hair off... Jeez. If I ever do try to grow it back, I'm probably in for a rude awakening.]

And now I've been reduced to typing about the weather on the internet.

Screw it.

Man, it's hot.

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