
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Training 66.

Coffee w/equal, cream - Shake w/3 eggs, inst coffee, cream, equal - 3 pork chops - 500ml diet soda - 1.7l water - Shake w/3 eggs, peanut butter, cream, equal

Chinups - 5/5/5
One arm DB snatch - 52.5x5/5/5
DB front squat - 90x5, 105x5/5
Overhead DB press - 90x5/5/5
DB RDL - 105x5/5/5
Neck nods - 50x5 directions
Bungee face pulls/dislocates - 20/20

Bit of progress... 60 days ago, I could only do a single chinup at a time... today I knocked out 3 sets of 5. Not completely sucking.

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