
Monday, July 09, 2007

Robert Puch, damn glad to meet ya.

Rolled into Jr High after my elementary school lessons to find a glossy PTA/School newsletter on my desk. Can't say that it's the first one that's been put out since I got here [almost two years ago now... geez] but it's the first one I've seen.

Cool pics from Sports Day and the opening of the new pool, articles from the principal and head of the PTA, which, due to my horrible Japanese, I can only assume is standard "gambatte" Japanese.

This is the lesson of Japan above all else.


Persevere my child.

So that you can spend life as an adult persevering.

Sadly however, after two years, I'm known as Robert "Puch." Ah well, all their English is still light years ahead of my Japanese, so who am I to talk?

Robert Puch, glad to meet you.

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