
Sunday, April 01, 2007

Japanorama Series 3 : Love & Romance brings the crazy.

Man, I love Japan. Whether it's large metal penis Shinto shrines that women go to and sit on to get pregnant, half man/half woman host bars, or homosexual manga "Yaoi" that's not reeaaaaaally gay, just an expression of "true romance," [and it's coming to the U.S., check out the link] you can find pretty much whatever you want.

Honestly, one of the reasons I love the weirdness in Japan, besides the sheer fact I dig the the crazy, is that whenever I see something truly strange, I always think of Mom Snider and how she says, about anything at all improper, how Japanese people "wouldn't do things like that."

Cracks. Me. Up. [Hi Mom!]

Here's your kooky for the day, from BBC3 show Japanorama, Series 3 : Love & Romance.

Part 1

Part 2

I'd agree, a little. Japanese men, from my very limited perspective, kinda suck at the romance stuff... but some of these ladies have been drinking too much of the Kool-Aid about what it is they think relationships and romance "should" be, pretty much in opposition to, oh, say, human nature all throughout history. Life will be rather disappointing for them, methinks...

But honestly, overall, I'd rather see sex out in the open, like it is in Japan, than all tightly wound and repressed like it is in the States, where sex is evil, evil, dirty, dirty and Jesus hates you for thinking that way. Though of course, that doesn't mean that Japan is exactly healthy in it's sexual hangups... tentacle porn, anyone? [Nope, not making that last one up either.]

Hat tip Japan Probe.

1 comment:

  1. he he he! what's even better is when you don't realize you and your friends have entered a host bar and you keep wondering why the f#@*! these dudes keep coming over wanting to chat.
