
Monday, April 02, 2007

Holy Bugfuck Crazy, Batman.

You know, I read about Jesus Camp. I even mentioned it here before, reading about it a while ago. And it sounded crazy.

And then I watched it.

Holy Shit.

I mean, Holy Jesus age unbelievable batshit nuts crazy.

There really are no words as you watch these little kids manipulated and brainwashed into their faith, under the pretenses of thinking and love. [And trust me, I was raised Catholic and served in the Marines. I know from brainwashing.] Watching the adults, who either through cynicism or their own particular version of "tough love" reduce kids to tears, talk of how they're heavy with sin, have them pray at a cardboard cutout of GWBush and talking of putting Harry Potter to death... it's just nigh unbelievable.

I mean holy moly, it's just insane. The faux superiority they instill, the condescending "witnessing" to others, and the whole overarching theme of getting these kids prepared for "spiritual warfare" against the other faiths that are training their kids with "bombs and guns."

Disturbing is not a strong enough word.

These kids are gonna be monumentally fucked up when they get older and deal with the real world, unless they live the remainder of their days in the same self reinforcing reclusive bubble their parents intend for them.

It was beautiful to see how smug jackass Ted Haggard expound about the sinfulness of others just a few months before his gay sex and methamphetamine scandal. Had a lot of schadenfraude watching that bit. And he comes off as just sooooo very pompous and arrogant. Trying too hard to be clever, the whole while planning his next gay-meth-tryst.

In the interest of being "fair and balanced" [amazing how that's a term of irony, yes?] the "liberal" Christian rep comes off as kinda an asshat too... but that's pretty much my opinion of anybody who deigns themselves as the "true interpreter of the will of God."

Here's the trailer. Definitely watch the film if you get a chance.

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