
Thursday, April 13, 2006

The wisdom of Charles Atlas

"Worry, irritability and anger are mental and physical poisons. By giving vent to these undesirable habits the body tears down far more quickly than it can be built up... On NO account allow yourself to become worried, either over the past, the present or future. The past is dead. Forget it! Why dig up the corpse? The future has not arrived, why anticipate what probably will never happen? And why worry over the present? Can your worry accomplish anything good? Will it benefit you any? You know it won’t. Then why worry? Resolve to cut it out of your life forever. Live on the sunny side of life. Companions with large souls, think pleasant thoughts. Worry and like habits are a drain on the vitality; they are a waste of mental energy...

On the morning of each day think of, or read, some inspiring beautiful thought, and think over this frequently during the day. In other words, substitute your worry thoughts for thoughts of health, strength, happiness and joy...

Make the best of your life, in every respect. You are entitled to be happy. Make up your mind you WILL be! All this will have a powerful effect on your physical body, giving it an added power and magnetic charm. Saturate your life with noble, lofty plans, ideas and ambitions and you will have no time, or desire to worry. 

The following suggestions are given by a well-known philosopher, and you are urged to scorch them deep into your soul: ELIMINATE FEAR. CONQUER WORRY. AVOID ANGER. OMIT DEPRESSION. SHUN HATE. STUDY CHEERFULNESS. CULTIVATE HOPE. DEVELOP COURAGE. EXHIBIT CONFIDENCE. ASSUME SUCCESS. LIVE SIMPLY. MAINTAIN BUOYANCY. CONTROL SELF. THINK HEALTH YOURS. I will add, CULTIVATE HAPPINESS. Do all you can to make yourself and others truly happy. This will soon reflect itself in your life. For remember, health and happiness go hand in hand. CONTINUE THIS REGIME UNTIL YOU ARE MASTER."

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