
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Speech, change, thoughts, behavior...

Present | A Newsletter from The Ayamanatara Foundation | Archives:
"Be impeccable with your word. The clearest, most concise communication is that which is given energetically... Words are, for the purposes of communication with others, imprecise and do not translate abstract concepts well.

Spoken word was created not for the purpose of communicating at all. It is a tool for manifestation and creation.

In the beginning, there was the word.

When a concept of idea is spoken aloud enough times, it can shift your conscious thoughts, which then imprint your subconscious mind, where creation is initiated. If you are looking to change your reality, you must first change your thoughts. To change your thoughts, you must alter how you speak.

We have allowed ourselves to become lazy and undisciplined in our speech, which is an unfortunate occurance. It has allowed an undiciplined and chaotic thought process to occur about our reality, which in turn, creates a chaotic reality."

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