
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Shift

The Ayamanatara Foundation :
"It is not a sudden event, it is not going to cause some people to simply disappear, or die, or gain superpowers. It is not something to fear. In fact, the more one embraces it, the more benefits one gains...

To ease the transition and get out of fear, make sure you have a daily practice of getting centered and in alignment with the divine, eat as healthy as possible, drink plenty of water, and focus on what makes your heart sing. Release what no longer serves you willingly, and work on increasing your sense of connection to Source and to those you have called into your life.

We are currently going through a Shift, and things are speeding up, so the concept is impacting us at a core level. You are being asked to let go of that which no longer serves you fairly quickly. Some people find this disconcerting or unsettling and resist the process, which is counterproductive and potentially harmful, because your Higher Self wants to release anything that is holding you back, so you're probably going to lose those things anyway.

The best way to go through this Shift is in willingness, gratitude and grace. Understand that anything or anyone moving out of your life at this time simply frees you up to progress on your journey. If you embrace this concept, the Shift can be a pleasant and uplifting experience. If you fight against it, you are bound to be very uncomfortable...

About each thing and person in your life, ask yourself "does this serve my higher purpose?", especially if it seems to be leaving you. Focus on your daily practice and make sure that you are meditating, so that you are clear on what your higher purpose is. Allow the universe to take you where you need to be. Release any negative energy, exercise, eat healthy foods, drink more water [always more water], and try to hold a space of willingness. Each time you catch yourself in a negative thought or trying to force a situation, gently pull yourself back into a space of willingness.

Be kind to yourself. It affects your energy and others will also treat you with kindness...

The Shift is accelerating, can you feel it? There is a tension in the air, a general malaise. Those who are not consciously working to move forward are even further out of their bodies, uncomfortable, combative, depressed...

The keywords right now are acceptance and release. Release that which you no longer nee, that which no longer serves you, or it will be taken from you or stop working anyway...

It is time. All of your old tools and coping mechanisms that have allowed you to rest on your laurels are going to be taken from you. This is about growth, not stagnation. You no longer get to hang out on your plateau of safety. The water is rising, you must rise with it... You are moving into something bigger and better, and the only resistance is that which comes from you. You have a choice. Where would you like to be?"

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