
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

"Change is not a problem..."

Present | A Newsletter from The Ayamanatara Foundation:
"Change is not a problem. It is not difficult or uncomfortable. It is your resistance to change that causes the problems. The level of discomfort you experience in change is directly proportional to your resistance to that change. The only constant in the Universe is change. You know this. Why do you insist on being so rigid?

Rigidity is nothing more than ego-based fear. If you would simply relax and move up to your heart chakra (and out of third), allow that to be your main operating system, you could embrace changes with the joy and enthusiasm that they deserve. You would be able to release your feelings of discomfort and you would cease holding on to the status quo long after its time has passed.

Allow yourself to connect with the joy in your heart. Pull as much of your focus and attention into that space. Spend as much time as you can in that place, especially as you move out into the world and deal with others. Look for that space within those you encounter.

Your ego will tell you that this is unsafe, but it is lying to you. Relax. It will all be all right."

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