
Sunday, March 12, 2006

Looks like a real threat, don't he?

The Story behind INFAMOUS Abu Ghraib Hooded Prisoner comes out :: from :: news from occupied Iraq - ch:
"Who was the man? Why was he being held at the Abu Ghraib prison? Why was he tortured? Was he an insurgent? A terrorist? A criminal? Somebody who hates America?

No. He was none of those.

The following is a lesson to both those who say torture is an important tool that the Untied States must use, and to those who say that people who are tortured by U.S. forces are tortured legitimately, and for good reasons.

The man’s name is Ali Shalal Qaissi. He was a leader in his neighborhood. And he was arrested by the American military after he complained to the media after American soldiers dumped garbage on a small local soccer field. And that was it.

Hard to believe, isn’t it? That a middle-aged man can be arrested for that? And 'interrogated’ at Iraq’s most infamous torture prison for nearly six months?

Evidently, the American officials who were in charge in Abu Ghraib (neither trained in interrogation methods, nor it seems, with a respect for the Geneva Convention) were convinced for 6 months that the soccer fan and parking garage attendant knew useful information about Osama bin Laden."

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