
Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Future kicking the past

Bloggers: Use caution | | CNET
"What was interesting was a turn of the conversation in which the panelists pondered the future, when today's teenagers are in the workforce. That could pose a problem to traditional dynamics of employer/employee relationships, in large part because today's kids have basically no interest in self-censorship. And why should they, the argument goes: The Internet is their world, and it's what they know. So employers may just have to deal with them being open about whatever is on their mind, be it about work, or their personal lives.

But not today. No, today, employees would be wise to know that if they are critical about their jobs, their bosses, their former employers or anyone, or write about aspects of their personal lives that they wouldn't want their employers to know about, then maybe they shouldn't hit that 'submit' button. Because word gets around. Like it or not."

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