
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

'I am what Harry Potter grew up into,' he said, 'and it's not a pretty sight.' - Alan Moore

The Vendetta Behind 'V for Vendetta' - New York Times:
"Today, he resides in the sort of home that every gothic adolescent dreams of, one furnished with a library of rare books, antique gold-adorned wands and a painting of the mystical Enochian tables used by Dr. John Dee, the court astrologer of Queen Elizabeth I. He shuns comic-book conventions, never travels outside England and is a firm believer in magic as a 'science of consciousness.' 'I am what Harry Potter grew up into,' he said, 'and it's not a pretty sight.'

Actually, he more closely resembles the boy-wizard's half-giant friend Hagrid, with his bushy, feral beard and intense gaze, but those closest to Mr. Moore say his intimidating exterior is deceptive. 'Because he looks like a wild man, people assume that he must be one,' said the artist Melinda Gebbie, Mr. Moore's fiancée and longtime collaborator. 'He's frightening to people because he doesn't seem to take the carrot, and he's fighting to maintain an integrity that they don't understand.'"

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