
Wednesday, March 15, 2006


"For an overweight person, giving up eating is not something that he can do voluntarily. He has acquired specific, and probably, unhelpful eating habits, he
confuses body sensations such as anxiety with hunger and eats some food items compulsively, or, simply he does not believe in his capacity to follow a healthy, balanced diet.

In any case, his excess weight makes him feel bad, not only physically but also through self-dissatisfaction. Usually, he has failed with many dieting techniques, ineffective miracle diets, trick potions and best sellers that only work in the imagination of their authors.

For something to turn into a habit, all we need is to do it for a few days. People who are overweight are full of negative anchors that incite them to snack involuntarily between meals, to eat sweets or chocolate or constantly think about food. These negative anchors can be sorted outby setting up a contrary anchor.

Here, in steps, you'll learn how to set up a positive anchor.

Step 1: Define with one adjective the habit which drives you, for example, to eat between hours. Concentrate on the sensation and how it is produced. What is it? Is it
something you see, you hear or you feel? Let's imagine that when you want to eat in between hours what you have is an empty feeling in your stomach.

Step 2: Define what is the opposite for you. In this example, the opposite of "empty" could be "full" or "satisfied" or "satiated."

Step 3: Go inside yourself and find some moment of your life when you have had that "full" feeling. We are not looking for a memory, rather a sensation.

Step 4: When you begin to note this "full" sensation, set up an anchor. In other words, associate this sensation with something. For example, press a finger for about ten seconds. Or clip a finger and thumb together, hold for ten seconds and release.

Step 5: Repeat the previous step six or seven times a day, at separate intervals. This reinforces and stacks the anchor

Step 6: Once the positive anchor is set up, each time you notice the sensation of "emptiness" fire the anchor you set up in step 4.

As our nervous system can only access one sensation at a time, the positive anchor cuts the neurological connection with the negative habit.

Enjoy your new-found freedom from an old habit."

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