
Saturday, January 14, 2006

"...the world is too big and too small at the same time."

Puking on Paroketh -
"Because well, you see, one of the many problems is that the world is too big and too small at the same time. Media and marketing are making the world smaller and smaller by bombarding us with more and more images throughout the day. On the one hand we are powerless because the world is too big. On the other hand you are held responsible for all the horrible things you see. Once a year I go out and celebrate the day I met my lovely girlfriend in a three Michelin star restaurant (together of course, not alone). Sensational food. But at a price where you can feed someone in Africa for at least a month. How can you do that?

How can you go on living like you do while other people in the world are dying in droves? Well the answer is: very easy. Reject equalitarian notions and become elitist. Or better yet: be honest and accept your elite position. Don’t tell me tall tales about how you are making the world a better place because you ain’t.

Make your world smaller. Realise that your world is limited to the people that you care for and love. Why not limit your responsibility as well to just the well being of those people.

Who cares that the US is more and more fascist? That Europe is a modern day vassal state? How does it impact your personal life and the ones you love? Probably not much. In fact you profit from it big time. Ask anyone in Africa or in North Korea. Why are people nowadays more and more against the war Iraq? Not because they think injustice has be done. But because it hurts the ones they love. Friends dying in Iraq. Price of gas going up. Not because they think it's unfair for the Iraqi's. Only a little more than 100.000 Iraqi’s died since the war started. That’s a lot less than the one million who died during the sanction years. It would be hypocritical to complain now."

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