
Saturday, January 14, 2006


Puking on Paroketh -
"I love Nietzsche. I can't recommend reading Nietzsche enough, but hey, that just might be me. My Nietzsche explains things like this (remember this is Nietzsche, not me. I would never take such an irresponsible viewpoint):

You have the Ubermensch and the Untermensch (don't you just love this right after not caring about fascism?). What makes the difference? The Untermensch needs a story to justify his actions. Where as the Ubermensch doesn't.

This is why I think it’s important to learn storytelling and go beyond it. People feel that they have to account for their behaviour. That they have to give “Good Reasons” why they did such or so. Not the Ubermensch. He just answers 'Why? Because it was my will.'... Where as the Untermensch comes along with an elaborate story trying to justify his action as not being insane...

By the way this is not fascism at all. Within fascism the Untermensch tells each other these stories to b(r)and together and exert power over the Ubermensch and other groups of Untermenschen. Fascism is just another Untermensch label."

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