
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"Why do we stand for this shit?"

You Are A Cog.:
"This is it.
This is your life.

You wake up, you get ready for work. You go to work and the work things happen. People are upset and people laugh, they tell stories about the non-work things that happened to them and relate to the other work people in this way and that. You drink coffee. They talk about the work things that happened or that need to happen and the day goes on and the day goes on. You drink more coffee.

You go home and the home things happen. People are upset and people laugh. They tell you stories about the work things that happened to them that day or the school things that happened to them that day. Or they don’t. You eat dinner. At some point you decide to go to sleep. Maybe you’re tired, maybe you aren’t.

Tomorrow is another day. And tomorrow after that and then tomorrow after that and then tomorrow after that one too.

This is your life.
This is my life.

Why do we stand for this shit?
What choice to we have."

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