
Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Take an active role.

You Are A Cog.:
"I still get plenty of news and entertainment. Here’s the difference. I have to take an active role. I have to seek it out. Would you consciously seek out Seinfeld or the Fresh Prince of Bel Air so that you could watch it a second time? Do you care which Apprentice is fired or what Crib MTV wants to show you? Does Katie Couric tell you anything that you need to know to start your day? Does Jay Leno tell you anything you need to end it? There is a Soap Opera channel. An entire channel dedicated to Soap Opera. Or Golf. Or Game Shows.

If the presence of television has become such an integral part of our lifestyle than what do these sorts of viewing habits and this sort of programming say about that lifestyle? Think about that.

Maybe not having a TV isn’t such a strange idea after all."

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