
Monday, December 19, 2005

Thornton's Guerilla_Blog: Darwin, Purpose, & Electric Gold. . . .

Thornton's Guerilla_Blog: Darwin, Purpose, & Electric Gold. . . .:
"I watched an interview with two of Americans top scientists in the fields of biology, and evolution. James Watson, and E.O.Wilson talked about Darwin, evolution, and DNA. It was one of the most fascinating interviews I have seen in a long time.

What struck me were their answers to questions related to modern day evolution. Does what we know of evolution, DNA, and conditioning leave room for “evil”, for that sort of ‘choice’?

No, and the realization of that can lead to a different take on crime and punishment, and civilizations as a whole.

Does mankind still evolve?. . .absolutely.

Then the natural question. . . . . is man evolving for the ‘better’?

And the answer was that the preponderance of evidence suggests that we are evolving to be nicer human beings.

When asked how that relates to the incredible extremes of violence we now seem to have, Wilson’s answer was. . .”Just imagine what it was like 20,000 Years ago.”

He had a point."

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