
Monday, December 19, 2005

David Lynch

Thornton's Guerilla_Blog: Darwin, Purpose, & Electric Gold. . . .:
"The first was a question asked by a clearly uber cool, way too hip, angst ridden, I am a dangerous artist type. He questioned Lynch on the ‘edge’ that might be lost when an artist takes on that optimistic, evolution of consciousness, there is only one, type of realization. How that may lead to a more soft and fluffy type of message. . .to the loss of that crucial hint of darkness, the loss of that artistic edge.

Lynch, without pausing even a breath for thought, ripped open the questioner immediately by saying. . . .yes, I used to be that person myself. I used to think that playing that dark, moody, artist role would get me laid more. And it did. And I identified with that, and so I thought I needed it for that quality. But then I realized that was just an act. It was bullshit. And it left me. . . . . . . . . the questioner sat down."

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