
Sunday, November 13, 2005

The nature of identity, role-play, fictionsuits, etc...

Barbelith Interviews: An Interview with Grant Morrison:
"...we are the most surveyed country in the world, we're watching everything we do, so what I'd hoped and I think it may still happen, especially as reality TV makes more outlandish behaviour popular, because the more camera you put on people, the more chaos you create because people start to play up to cameras. Because in actual fact we all want to be seen on Police Camera Action 999; we all want to be on Survivor or Big Brother - so those were the ideas I had about space in the future in The Invisibles. People will actually act out dramas in front of the constant camera eye so the superiors and those who imagine themselves to be superior will be deluded by the multiple identities people will assume. I think it's the best response to the urban environment right now; to assume different identities based on different spaces and different situations you might find yourself in (which can be quite radically different), in the course of a given day in a city. So those were the ideas I was thinking about specifically to do with the urban environment and how to inhabit those environments."

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