
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

"Did you notice something wrong with this comic? That's right. There were no black people in it."

You must go to this link.

Dr McNinja.

He's a doctor who's a ninja.

He fights giant lumberjacks.

And McDonalds.

With a gorilla secretary.

And he knows Batman in his heart.

Go now.

[He also prescribes ninja stars.]

You need this. Trust me.


  1. Okay, I'll admit, it was pretty cool. It's even piqued (sp?) my interest in web comics. Another buddy of mine has approached me about doing a comic, and maybe this would be an easier or more manageable way to do it. We'll have to see.


  2. You must do so.


    Go ahead, I'll wait.

    Seriously, I've always been disappointed you never became the "next" George Perez.

    Or at least the next Rob Liefield :)

  3. Ouch!

    You were going so well there, "the next George Perez", which is quite a complement!

    Then you had to hit me with the Liefield comment. Bastard. Popular, yes; skilled, not in my opinion. Obviously several folks disagreed with me as he was quite popular, but his style just doesn't sit well with me. Eh. I'm sure he's loosing sleep over it, right?

    Seriously tho, I'll really consider the web comic format. I like the thought of being able to post it up and let others see it without any cost. Publishing it without publishing it.

    Neat-o keen!


  4. Hence the smiley face :)

    Not a Liefield fan either...

    You know, it worries me that you're armed and go around saying things like "neat-o keen".

    I'm just sayin'...
