
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

America is a dream founded on dissent.

d r i f t g l a s s: What we talk about...:
"...So looming in the shadows for me is always this: what sort of sub-humans must Republicans be that would allow them to feel such a 100-mile-high rage over Bill Clinton and blowjobs…and feel nothing whatsoever over the myriad high crimes, plunder, graft, lethal cronyism, endless lies and outright treason carried out three inches in front of their noses, in broad daylight, by the highest officials in the United States government?

...They like Order. They like Discipline. They like shiny, martial displays. They are the pecksniffing Leviticans –- rules-crazed Literalists, either ideologically, or Biblically, or both -- who also yearns for a harsh and exacting God to crush anyone who is unlike them…and who will reward them on the basis of how perfectly they obey the commands of the Dear Leader.

So to people that value prostration and loyalty to the Dear Leader above all else, what is the measure of “Right and Wrong” and “True and False”?

And doesn’t that question, when phrased clearly, almost answer itself?

...America is a dream founded on dissent.

On asking hard questions to the men and women who govern us. Of not shutting the fuck up. Of demanding that our civil servants be accountable to you and me. In a Democracy, the citizen is supreme. The government elect disposable and grabbing the government by the lapels and adamantly insisting that they cough up the truth – whatever their party affiliation – is the God given, natural-born right of every, single American.

People who loathe dissent do not deserve to call themselves Americans.

People who smear dissenters do not deserve to call themselves Americans.

People who value a slave’s loyalty over a citizen’s demand for the truth are an embarrassment to real Americans.

People who would burn the Nation down over lies about semen stain’s on one President’s lover’s dress…and yet shrug off and ignore an ocean of innocent blood on another President’s hands have no business calling themselves Americans.

Because anyone who calls willing blindness and the protecting of traitors a virtue, and clarity and honesty a sin, is no American."

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