
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Catholic Space Aliens say "Yay God!". Or something like that...

CNS STORY: Do space aliens have souls? Inquiring minds can check Jesuit's book:
"Brother Consolmagno said the Bible is also replete with references to or descriptions of 'nonhuman intelligent beings' who worship God. For example, he said the Scriptures talk about angels, 'sons of God' who took human wives, and 'heavenly beings' that 'shouted for joy' when God created the earth.

...Through the British-based Catholic Truth Society, U.S. Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno has penned his response to what he says are questions he gets from the public "all the time" when he gives talks on his work with the Vatican Observatory.

Titled "Intelligent Life in the Universe? Catholic Belief and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life," the pocket-sized booklet is the latest addition to the society's "Explanations Series," which explores Catholic teaching on current social and ethical issues. "

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