
Tuesday, November 08, 2005


So, apparently, my immune system currently hates me.

Gaze deeply into the abyss and view my very swollen throat, words having been reduced to a raspy whisper. Like broken glass mixed with sandpaper. And the occasional expunging of gray green ooze that can only be generously described as phlegm from hell.

Nice visual, yes?

Picked up a nasty cold last week... bit of fever, congestion, head and body ache, one lovely night of sweats and chills. Took a sick day on Friday. Passed mostly over the weekend and felt decent enough on Monday to head back to work. But a day at elementary school amongst the loud throngs of the midget-children reduced my voice to a sad croak a the end of the day.

Took a sick day yesterday, but still this AM had no voice to speak of. Was gonna hold off on heading to the hospital, but given the nagging... errrrr... concern shown by my better half, went instead today. Which is actually good, as it frees her up to spend more time with her parents tomorrow instead of hanging about and helping cart me off to the clinic tomorrow.

So a clinic call took about an hour and I departed with an assortment of pills, powders, gargles and potions designed to return me to form.

All of which, btw, cost 12 bucks American. Hospital visit + about 50-odd pills/powders...

Score one for commie-style socialized medicine.

Plus orders "not to use my voice" for a few days. Bit of kink being an English teacher and all. Oh well, worse things than being stuck at home watching vids and pissing about online I guess... Can't stand being sick though.

But it should all be back to normal soon enough...

Unless of course it's that damn bird flu.

Those avian bastards.

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