
Friday, June 16, 2017

Training - "Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners."

6/16 - wmup, throws, press, weighted chins, dips, cg chins, xpushups, situps, hip thrust, speed bag, stretch
6/15 - stretch
6/14 - wmup, jumps, power clean/push press, squats, stretch

Haven't posted training in forever.  There have been workouts, you'll just have to trust me and use your imagination.  (Not like that.  Pervert.)  Life got in the way of blogging, switched notebooks (and those are lost to time.)  Seems like a good day to get back to doing it, as I just got back on Wednesday after a 4 day sickness induced sabbatical.  Onwards.

I Am Living Proof—Change Your Diet, Change Your Life! | Mark's Daily Apple: "February 2, 2016 was it…….while working nights I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast, and he had on Mark Sisson……holy s@#$% Batman, the light bulb went off….like fireworks in my brain. This was the spark that was going to light the fire in my soul! When he compared a bowl of pasta to a bowl of Skittles… was like magic….omg, what had I been doing to my body? 

That morning I called the wife and was all excited, telling her I was going paleo…. She did not share my excitement…maybe because it was 6a.m….. I was hyped and she was just waking up. Where the lines of fate crossed was she had just had a blood test done, looking for allergies and signs that would point her to possible causes of her severe migraines. Well, a few days later her results came back, and they aligned with a paleo approach as well. BOOM…..paleo family here we go…..head first! 

My life is very different than the average person…I work in the Arctic Circle oil field. I fly up to the middle of nowhere for 3 weeks at a time. I work 12-15 hours a day for 21 days straight. All our food is provided for us. So the only choices I have are what is put out in front of me. Since I could not know everything in each dish, I just stayed on the paleo basics. It was not easy in the beginning, choosing paleo foods was easy, but I have a sweet tooth and to walk past the dessert bar day in and day out was a challenge. Some days I won, some days it won. I dove deep into reading, listening, soaking up as much knowledge as one could absorb on this lifestyle change. I want to know not just the rules, but why, how. First month was rough in swimming through it all. Energy levels up and down….endless hunger.. 

As the months rolled on, the weight melted away. I was seeing results pretty quick. Few pounds here and there. Energy levels started to max out. Sleep was great. I started to dabble in working out. My wife and I signed up for a spartan race, then the day after that was complete we signed up for an ultra half marathon mountain run….. Omg, who the hell have we become….lol. We were now running and training for fun. My wife’s migraines had all but gone away. My pains were less and less. We were becoming the people we were meant to be. Fast foward to today. I am now sitting here writing my 1 year story. I have lost 70 + pounds. I train jiujitsu 3-4 time a week while I am home. I still don’t do crazy workouts…. I personally don’t feel it’s needed. I plan on doing more running events once the snow melts. I am paleo/Primal for life. I believe in this lifestyle 100%…. I am living proof. CHANGE YOUR DIET….CHANGE YOUR LIFE"

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