
Friday, June 16, 2017

Colleges now have facecrime. Orwell got it.

White, female student 'glares' at peers, gets reported as bias incident - The College Fix: "Gone are the days when saying something that hurts another’s feelings is a bias incident. Now just looking at someone funny can get you reported to the campus Thought Police. It happened at the University of Wisconsin Madison, where an unnamed “white, female student” was reported to the university’s bias incident reporting system. Her crime? Glaring at two female peers. 

 According to a university document obtained this week by The College Fix through a public records act request, here’s what happened, according to the complainant: There was a white female student that kept making glares at me and another student. She would glare at both of us and then continue to proceed on her phone. This proceeded for 2 hours. Both me and the victim were Asian American women. I don’t know if race plays a part in it. Though this event was small and seemingly insignificant, it made me and the other victim feel unsafe, uncomfortable and paranoid. We did not approach this person. 

The incident location was reported as a campus library. The complainant seems unaware that the woman with a piercing stare might be deep in thought as she studies, or is troubled by something she is reading on her phone. Nevertheless, she reports to campus authorities she is downright traumatized. “I don’t feel safe on campus,” she continues. “I don’t feel safe studying in an environment that should be inclusive and welcome to all. … I wouldn’t report this if it didn’t have a significant impact on me.”"

List of Newspeak words - Wikipedia: "facecrime: An indication that a person is guilty of thoughtcrime based on their facial expression."

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