
Friday, February 03, 2017

Training - "I'm the only one to blame and I'm the only one who can fix it."

2/3 - bench, chins, pushups, Power Half Hour Stretch, Defranco Simple Six
2/1 - deadlifts, abwheel, Power Half Hour Stretch
1/31 - Power Half Hour Stretch
1/29 - Power Half Hour Stretch
1/28 - Power Half Hour Stretch
1/27 - press, chins, dips, Power Half Hour Stretch
1/26 - Power Half Hour Stretch
1/25 - power cleans, squats, Power Half Hour Stretch
1/24 - Power Half Hour Stretch
1/23 - bench, chins, pushups, Power Half Hour Stretch, Defranco Simple Six
1/10 - deadlifts, situps, abwheel, backxt
1/9 - chins, COCT
1/8 - press, chins, dips
1/6 - power cleans, squats
1/4 - bench, chins, pushups
12/30 - deadlifts, situps, backxt, abwheel
12/28 - press, chins, dips, seated row, curls, pushdowns
12/26 - power cleans, squats
12/23 - deadlifts, bench, chins, pushups, situps, leg raises, curl, pushdowns
12/18 - press, chins, dips
12/16 - power cleans, squats
12/14 - bench, chins, pushups, seated row, pushdowns
12/12 - deadlifts
12/11 - #22pushups for #22KILL - Day 22
12/10 - #22pushups for #22KILL - Day 21
12/9 - press, chins, dips, curls, seated db press, #22pushups for #22KILL - Day 20
12/8 - #22pushups for #22KILL - Day 19
12/7 - power cleans, squats, #22pushups for #22KILL - Day 18
12/6 - #22pushups for #22KILL - Day 17
12/5 - #22pushups for #22KILL - Day 16
12/4 - #22pushups for #22KILL - Day 15
12/3 - #22pushups for #22KILL - Day 14
12//2 - bench, chins, pushups, row, #22pushups for #22KILL - Day 13, Power Half Hour Stretch
12/1 - #22pushups for #22KILL - Day 12, Power Half Hour Stretch

The Most Important Lesson From Lifting | T Nation: "Training teaches us that there's a direct, unmistakable causal relationship between hard work and reward. You work hard and good things happen. You don't work hard, and good things fail to happen. Much of life is "fuzzy" – sometimes you get lucky and experience rewards that you haven't really earned. But this will never happen in the gym because the weight doesn't give a flip about anything other than whether or not you actually lift it. And when you lift a weight that you've never lifted before, it's unmistakable proof that you're now better than you ever were before. These experiences teach us to value work ethic and give us the confidence to apply it outside the gym as well: in our careers, our relationships, and in our various interests in life. The gym is a laboratory for life. – Charles Staley"

The Most Important Lesson From Lifting | T Nation: "Dani Shugart – T Nation Editor Building muscle makes you better at life. It works that way for me at least. Your entire body becomes more proficient. It's phenomenal. Heavy things feel lighter, hard tasks feel easier, big meals get used instead of stored. Moving your own body around becomes a natural, simple thing. You don't even realize your own physical capability if you've had muscle for a long time and have been taking it for granted. But when you go from not lifting to lifting, your body turns into this unrecognizable machine."

The Most Important Lesson From Lifting | T Nation: "You become more authoritative. Not in a domineering way, but in a way that simply keeps you from being a doormat. The more you struggle under the iron and master it, the more you realize your own potential. And this can embolden people differently. You might gradually become more self-reliant in the gym, more forthright in daily interactions, or just more of a "go-getter" all around... as hokey as that sounds. You start thinking that bigger things are within your reach. One of the most stressful times of my life was when I was hired for a news job right after college. I felt stretched yet undervalued, and my paycheck would've been bigger flipping burgers. I had stopped lifting for a year or so when I took the position. But getting back under the iron gave me the impetus to look for better opportunities instead of living with this feeling of being stuck. It was scary to quit, but it was exhilarating to get back in the captain's chair and decide what to do with my life. It makes you socially competent. Building muscle makes you more self-assured. It's just easier to talk to strangers when you're somewhat jacked. Maybe that's because you become comfortable with yourself and you project that feeling outward. But the more comfortable you are around others, the more enjoyable the gym (and everything else) is. And if someone snubs you when you say hi, no biggie. You're still somewhat jacked. What are they gonna do? Sigh loudly? Roll their eyes? Snobby people are usually just insecure people. Bonus: When you focus on building strength and muscle, you attract people who are into the same stuff, and having like-minded friends is powerful. These connections can open doors, keep you motivated, and improve your health all around. – Dani Shugart"

The Most Important Lesson From Lifting | T Nation: "Chris Shugart – T Nation CCO It's all on you. Back in my fat boy days, I had a dozen excuses for being overweight. Most of them were directed outward: I was fat, I'd tell myself, because of things that were outside of my control. These were self-directed lies, of course, just flimsy rationalizations to make myself feel better. In short, I wasn't taking personal responsibility. I wasn't being self-reliant. I snapped out of it, thank God. I even wrote a little mantra that I repeated to myself every day: "The condition I'm in now is completely my fault. I caused this. I chose to slack off. I chose crappy foods. I'm the only one to blame and I'm the only one who can fix it." It worked. I dropped around 65 pounds of fat and eventually added over 30 pounds of muscle. There were missteps, mistakes, and long periods of stagnation along the way. But there were also life lessons – tough, heartless lessons that transcended the gym. Today, the pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps ideal has faded. Today, people are seeking out and adopting victim labels. And any victim label will do. Anything to shift blame outward. And once someone finds his flavor of victimhood, he not only adopts the label, he begins to define himself by it. He begins to wallow in that perceived victimhood. Why? Because it releases him from personal responsibility and self-reliance. Even our leaders have begun to preach this sermon of weakness, often to acquire political power. It's a simple plan: Convince people they're helpless and that you're the only one who can solve their problems. If the people buy it, you control them, gain power, and profit. But it's hard for me to imagine that a dedicated lifter would fall for it. He or she has learned too many things from the barbell. The barbell teaches you different lessons. The barbell holds the opportunities for getting stronger, changing your body, and building resolve. But (and this is the important bit) the barbell also doesn't give a shit about you. You pick it up and you get positive, life-changing results.... or you don't and you get nothing. The bar doesn't care one way or another. It looks you right in the face and says, "This is going to be hard and it's going to take a lot of work but the payoff is awesome. Take it or leave it." In today's society of entitled wankers and delicate snowflakes, it's a lesson many need to learn. Life is a barbell. The opportunities are right there. You just have to pick them up and start grinding. It's all on you. – Chris Shugart"

Diet Queens, Squats and Fat Kids – "The best way to lose fat is to not get fat in the first place. Don't be a Diet Queen - learn habits and have action-based goals. The greatest mistake beginners make is taking advice from other beginners on the internet. Beginner lifters need more consistency and frequency with less variety. This includes programming. In other words, quit program hopping."

Work In Progress:

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