
Saturday, February 11, 2017

"...the real assumption that they bring to the news, even beyond their partisan affiliations, is an expectation of a smooth narrative."

All the News That's Fit to Fake - Hit & Run : "They expect news stories to look like the movies or TV shows that they're familiar with. Even if they're regular journalism consumers, the stories they remember best are these well done stories that tell a compelling narrative and make them feel like they're watching a movie or TV show. In reality, stories are messy and have real loose ends. That's the real bias that readers have to combat, and it's something that people in the media have to think about. Because, on the one hand we want to provide good, compelling narratives, but on the other hand, we don't want people to think they live in this world that's made up of these easy, compelling narratives. They don't."

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