
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

"I don’t support Trump... but I don’t support mass hysteria, either."

Listener-Blue — "Boy, you sure are going out of your way to defend the guy.": "Not really defending Trump as much I am saying that I don’t like people panicking and doomsaying about Trump. I mean, I think it’s clear that I don’t like him as much as the next guy. He’s a self-indulgent egotist who surrounds himself with cronies and people who are smarter than him to compensate for his lack of intelligence. He only got this far because his opponents managed out-stupid even him...

I find his plans on trade to be extremely flawed, and while I’m not doomsaying, I feel we could run into several trade problems with China...

While I’m not a fan of the ACA (this may come from a personal bias, considering I live in somewhat small city, and me and my family knows a several people who either can’t afford it anymore, or now have health bills as almost as big as their house notes), I don’t think it should be gotten rid of cold turkey, and more amended and fixed so it doesn’t screw over people as much...

I don’t think he’s a giant white supremacist (anyone who even thinks that, be they left-wing or right-wing, is giant dumbass), but I would be lying if I didn’t think he was at least a really insensitive asshole when it comes to things regarding race and creed, with there being some hints of xenophobia, though not as big as Tumblr makes it...

I have no doubt that Trump is not going to be as great a president as his more rabid supporters think he will be (which, in fairness, I find to be just as annoying and fanatical as Hillary and Obama’s rabid supporters), but I’m definitely not going to completely lose my head over him being president, and I’m just going to wait a while until I decide to make my full verdict on him as a president. I don’t support Trump or endorse, but I don’t support mass hysteria, either."

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