
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Training - "Probably Calves."

9/12 - bench, chins, db row, pushups, bridge
9/11 - stretch
9/10 - stretch
9/9 - deadlift, power cleans, stretch
9/8 - stretch

Enduring the Suck on the Road to Success - "...the fitness industry has really shifted its attention towards marketing an easier and faster way. Whatever it is that you want to achieve, there’s always going to be someone who promises an easier way to get there. That’s a mistake. Personally, I’d rather preach the truth. As I’ve said before, there is no fast or easy way to achieve anything worthwhile. Pushing yourself to the next level often requires that you become comfortable with the uncomfortable. In other words, you’ve got to eventually embrace the suck. You can’t always turn your back on things that are difficult or uncomfortable."

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