
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Shaming works.

See also anti-smoking and drunk driving campaigns.  This mum lost 10 stone after her son drew her as a BLOB at school - Wales Online: "But the turning point came in February 2014 when her son Thomas proudly came home with a picture he had drawn at school. The picture that Thomas drew at school of his family Meryem added: “It was a family portrait with all members as stick figures except for me who he’d drawn as a round blob. “It really upset me when I saw it but I didn’t have the heart to tell Thomas, I just went upstairs and cried.” That, combined with an incident on holiday when Meryem couldn’t take part in activities because she was too out of breath, inspired a change. She said: “My children called me ‘fat’ because they couldn’t fit their arms around me when giving me hugs. It was very upsetting."

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