
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Nice little business you've got here, be a shame if something happened to it.

The government always wants its cut.  And the vig is high.  Brickbat: No Room at the Inn - Hit & Run : "Scott Shatford is the first Airbnb host to be punished under Santa Monica, California's law banning short-term rentals. Shatford received $3,500 in fines and was sentenced to two years probation after pleading guilty to eight misdemeanor counts of running a business without a license."

Everything which is not forbidden is allowed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ""Everything which is not forbidden is allowed" is a constitutional principle of English law—an essential freedom of the ordinary citizen or subject. The converse principle—"everything which is not allowed is forbidden"—used to apply to public authorities, whose actions were limited to the powers explicitly granted to them by law."

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