
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

"'I just wanted you to know that I made up the entire thing simply because I was upset with Jovon at the time.'"

Female Student Admits to Incredible Lie That Got Auburn Football Player Kicked Off Team - Hit & Run : "Auburn University dismissed running back Jovon Robinson—formerly the No. 1 junior college player in the country—after a female student accused him of assaulting her. "He did not meet my expectations of what it takes to be an Auburn Tiger football player," said head coach Gus Malzahn, according to But Robinson never assaulted anyone. His purported victim made it up entirely. The woman now readily admits to fabricating the allegation out of spite—she was angry at Robinson for making her leave his room. It's an astonishing, malicious lie...  It's also a powerful repudiation of the leftist-feminist idea that victims of assault and sexual assault deserve to be automatically believed...

He forwarded the email to Auburn's Title IX coordinator, Kelley Taylor, noting that it was the first time he had heard "of any incident regarding Jovon and any female." Taylor contacted the woman later that same morning, letting her know that Malzahn wanted to "take some precautionary steps" but that the university couldn't do anything until Taylor had spoken with her. Taylor asked for pictures of her injuries as well. "Me knowing that it wasn't true, I never did [send Taylor pictures]," said the woman in an interview with

Indeed, the woman soon confessed to Taylor that she had made up the story. Interestingly enough, according to the woman, Taylor seemed interested in proceeding anyway: (Taylor) really wanted to make it a big deal, after I told her basically that I lied," the accuser told "I can see her calling me one time after I said it, but two times and then a week later? That kind of made me wonder, why was she trying to do that?"

Keep in mind that the woman is an admitted liar—it's certainly possible she's lying about Taylor's statements here, too. After Robinson was dismissed from the team, the woman seems to have felt some remorse for him. She emailed Malzahn to make sure he knew she had lied: "I'm not sure if your decision today had anything to do with my situation a few weeks ago, but I just wanted you to know that I made up the entire thing simply because I was upset with Jovon at the time," the accuser wrote to Malzahn. "I haven't had any contact with him in the past few weeks but I do not think my lie should have costed him his spot on the team. Please consider changing your mind because I would really hate to see a person with so much potential lose his opportunity because of my silly fib. Jovon didn't do anything to me that night but ask me to leave his room and I was upset about that.""

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