
Sunday, August 07, 2016

"The virtues of the Greeks... strength, intelligence, valor... were overturned in favor of meekness, stupidity, cowardice, and cupidity."

Religion, ruining everything since always.  Tumblr feminists/ social justice warriors are carrying callout cards - Page 2184 - The Rogan Board: "'s the result of millenia long processes and trends. Nietzsche ranted against it more than a hundred years ago. it's why he hated christianity so much, the victim fetishization. Nietzsche gets a lot of shit for anti-semitism but he pretty clearly despised the whole abrahamic ideology because it promoted victimhood, weakness, and a basic passive aggressiveness. The virtues of the Greeks... strength, intelligence, valor... were overturned in favor of meekness, stupidity, cowardess, and cupidity. We are seeing the basic judeo-christian pathology being taken to its ultimate extreme right now, and its not even being done by christians or jews."

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