
Sunday, August 07, 2016

"...our world is in fact experienced largely through subjective perception and internal narrative."

Praise Be To Bob: My Favorite Robert Anton Wilson Concepts - disinformation: "As supposedly scientific and “rational” people, we’re raised to think that everything needs to be clearly divided into convenient realms of real and unreal, yet my thoughts on nearly any topic come down to, “well, I saw this documentary special this one time”, or “I read this one book” or “I took a class years ago where a professor told me that” which amounts to: my inner version of any topic typically comes from something someone with an agenda was trying to sell me. It’s always an insanely oversimplified picture, because there’s only so much of anything our minds can actually process with their feeble limitations. 

Another way of putting that would be, pretty much everything you think you know is probably at least 75% factually inaccurate. No one is immune to this. No one...

When you know that you, and everyone else is mostly full of shit and living in largely fictional worlds, we probably shouldn’t be taking ourselves too seriously now, should we?

In fact, when you start talking about the subjective nature of reality, most people raised in western culture will just stare at you blankly and it’s not like you’re talking high level coding or some shit. I personally give R.A.W. credit for illuminating my young mind to the idea that our world is in fact experienced largely through subjective perception and internal narrative."

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