
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

"The danger to constitutional republics from sudden crises comes from the very human impulse to restore order by any means necessary."

The misguided ferocity of the anti-gun left: "The American system of justice relies on core principles based on a fundamental understanding of natural law. First, the Constitution exists to restrain government from encroaching on the rights of its sovereign citizens. Second, each citizen retains those civil rights unless a jury of their peers convicts them of violating the law. Third, each citizen is entitled to due process and a presumption of innocence from the government until conviction...

The danger to constitutional republics from sudden crises comes from the very human impulse to restore order by any means necessary. In almost every instance, it results in the erosion of the balance between government power and personal liberty. In some instances, the intent becomes specific and limited for a period of time, such as Abraham Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus during the Civil War. Most often, it comes as a result of a knee-jerk response to a tragedy or atrocity for which politicians feel they must offer sweeping action — even if the action bears little connection to the actual event. Such is the case with the ISIS-inspired attack on an LGBTQ nightclub in Orlando and the deaths of 49 Americans, and the rerun of a gun-control proposal that flopped the first time because of its inherently dangerous qualities..."

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