
Thursday, June 30, 2016

"By the way, everybody who’s triggered by this column is eating."

No, JC Penney... - Breitbart: "You can see the commercial logic, of course. America’s obese population is growing— both numerically and horizontally— and JC Penney sells clothes. Someone has made the brilliant decision to market this once-respected brand to women who wear fumigation tents as prom dresses, and who think of Cool Ranch Doritos as a food group. 

In fact, realizing how easy it is to sell to fat women I might announce a line of tea biscuits called “Milo’s Virtuous Snacks” with inspirational quotes on the boxes, such as, “You’re amazing even though you ate the whole pizza,” and, “Don’t worry that your left arm is numb, that’s just your FIERCE shining through...

In the long run though, this sort of business strategy doesn’t work. JC Penney is joining the ranks of consumer products companies following a bizarrely quixotic business model— help your customers feel good about themselves until they drop dead from obesity-related illnesses. The problem? When they die, they stop buying your XXXL clothing. By the way, everybody who’s triggered by this column is eating. Stop typing that angry comment and look down. Are there snacks in reach? I thought so. You may think this is mean, but I’m upset. JC Penney is sending their customers to the great buffet in the sky earlier than intended, merely to turn a profit in the short term and get a few retweets and approving mentions in the idiotic media...

The left has been at the forefront of campaigns against smoking and alcohol, so it’s weird that they’re now championing the self-destructive ideology known as “fat acceptance.” I like a good meal, a good drink, and a pack of fags as much as the next man— but it would be appalling to make a self-congratulatory ideology out of it...

The facts about obesity can’t be denied. Obese women are more susceptible to diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, cardiovascular disease, lower back pain, knee osteoarthiritis, lower fertility and a cellulite-ridden fat ass...  Fatness raises the risk of several major cancers, can interfere with contraceptives, and leads to a higher risk of depression. Obese people are more likely to have a stroke, more likely to have a heart disease and are more likely to die. That is what JC Penney is encouraging."

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