
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Bias Response Team "...hung 700 posters warning students from using offensive terms, like “crazy,” “illegal immigrant,” and “hey guys.”"

FFS. University Investigates Professor For Encouraging Debate: "The University of Northern Colorado investigated a professor for encouraging debate in the classroom after a student complained. The university has a Bias Response Team, which dispatches a team of school employees to investigate topics of classroom discussion or other incidents (like bathroom graffiti) that may have been triggering or made someone feel excluded. One such investigation was prompted by a classroom discussion of an article published in The Atlantic entitled, “The Coddling of the American Mind,” which is about college students’ diminishing capacity to entertain more than one side of a debate due to the rise of “microaggressions” and “trigger warnings” on campuses...

UNC’s Bias Response Team has been pretty busy this year. Last year, the team hung nearly 700 posters around the campus warning students from using offensive terms, like “crazy,” “illegal immigrant,” and “hey guys.”"

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