
Sunday, May 01, 2016

"We all have dark places in us, and things that have happened to us, but those things don't have to run our lives."

Talk Nice...To Yourself — Tony Horton Life: "Speaking negatively to yourself on a regular basis can have a profoundly bad effect on many aspects of your life. If you openly trash yourself, you give people around you license to do the same.   People who have positive internal conversation have less run-in's with depression, stress and drama, if-you-will...

A positive attitude is much more than just "staying positive." It's about acknowledging and taking a hard look at all your positive attributes (and you have many) and bringing those to light instead of the negative ones...

We all have dark places in us, and things that have happened to us, but those things don't have to run our lives. We have a choice in the matter. We get to choose the way we feel about ourselves, and what we say to ourselves."

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