
Tuesday, April 05, 2016


4/5 - deadlift, press, chins, dips, curls, stretch, bw row, db side swings
4/4 - shadowbox, bridge, stretch

Focus on Progress Not Perfection — Tony Horton Life: "Perfection can be a slippery slope. Waiting until something is perfect could very well have you missing out on what’s occurring right now, and set you up to feel like a failure over and over.   Yes, I am a big advocate for failing; getting back up, going again, and again and again, but there are those of us who don’t even start, or who think we will be happier when we reach some end goal that is “perfect” in our mind.

Perfectionism keeps us in a box; a very small one. It keeps us from stepping out of our comfort zone and holds us in a pattern of living in the “when, then” mindset. For example, “When I am 20 pounds thinner, then I will be happy.”  “When I make x dollars, then I will be successful.” You get the idea.   I find it more empowering to keep my focus on Progress; the progress that happens each and every day, with each and every workout, with each and every idea and with each and every attempt to do something new.   Because the truth is, we are always making progress in some way, as long as we are continuing to take action. If you are working out every day, you are making progress. If you are eating healthy, but maybe slip up here and there, you are still making progress...  I will say that perfectionism wears on us. It wears on our soul and how we show up in life, and holds us back from doing the things we need to be doing. Don’t let it run your life, take action anyway no matter how it looks."

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